
Where is Kemensah?
Kemensah is a small village in the state of Selangor. It is located east of Kuala Lumpur, close to Empangan Klang Gates. It has some rural settlements, surr...
Fri, 21 Nov, 2014 at 7:30 PM
Where is the Start?
The Start (S) of all four events is near the Meeting Point (MP), near Kampung Kemensah - Ampang (Coordinates N03° 13' 31.30” E101° 46' 51.30") ...
Mon, 11 Apr, 2016 at 7:58 PM
Where is the Finish?
The Finish (F) of the respective categories for the Kemensah Krazy is near the Meeting Point (MP) near Kampung Kemensah - Ampang (Coordinates N03° 13' 3...
Mon, 11 Apr, 2016 at 7:59 PM
How do I get to the Meeting Point (MP)?
The most prominent landmark in the area is the Zoo Negara. If you drive, there are three main entry points to Kemensah but they all start at the MRR2. Comin...
Wed, 26 Nov, 2014 at 12:18 PM
Can I park my car at the Meeting Point (MP)?
Parking space is rather limited but you will be able to park your car near the Meeting Point (MP).  Remember, you park at your own risk.
Wed, 26 Nov, 2014 at 12:17 PM
Can I take a shower after I have finished the race?
There are restrooms and cold water shower facilities at the Meeting Point (MP) If you prefer to bathe in the stream, you can do so as well...
Wed, 26 Nov, 2014 at 12:19 PM